The seller's contact details are as follows:






Email :


Cheque to be made payable to:


Or bank transfer to be made to the account:

·                     Entitled:

·                     IBAN:

·                     BIC :


FG CLASSIC and the selling owner have agreed to the deposit-sale of the following vehicle:




Chassis number:

Engine number:


Mileage at vehicle deposit:

Presence of tracking history? :

TB Validity Date:

Amount requested by the owner seller:

Selling price (Seller amount + Commission + Start-up fees):



Documents to be provided by the seller to FG CLASSIC before consignment:

1.            IBAN / BIC

2.            Photocopy of the seller's ID

3.            Photocopy of the vehicle's licence

4.            Photocopy of the green insurance card

5.            Photocopy of the result of the Technical Inspection of less than 6 months

6.            Certificate of non-pledge of less than 6 months

7.            Invoice book and vehicle maintenance follow-up


The consignment contract will then automatically be transformed into a sales contract with FG CLASSIC.

The deposit sale will take place based on "no sale no payment" "no cure no pay". The amount shown above is the amount that the seller will receive for the car after the sale.

FG CLASSIC may contact the seller during the consignment period if it considers that the sale price needs to be adjusted. In this case an amendment to this contract will be required.

All vehicles are sold under the margin regime, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The seller who owns the vehicle ensures the exclusivity of the sale for the entire period of consignment.

During this 2-month consignment period, the seller will not be able to sell the vehicle by his own means.

If the vehicle has not been sold after this period of 2 months, FG CLASSIC will contact the seller again to discuss the follow-up to be given: renewal of the sales deposit or return of the vehicle.

Throughout the sales deposit period, the vehicle will remain registered in the name of the owner and the vehicle will remain insured by the owner.

The possible renewal of the roadworthiness test during the consignment period is the responsibility of the owner.

The owner does not have the right to advertise himself.

FG CLASSIC is not responsible for any technical defects that may appear during the period of consignment of the vehicle.

Any costs of repairing defects are the responsibility of the selling owner.

The seller undertakes that the validity of the technical inspection is less than 6 months in the event of a compliant technical inspection, and less than 2 months if necessary to pass a counter-inspection for major defect(s).

Unless otherwise stated in writing below, the owner seller authorizes FG CLASSIC to test the vehicle to all potential buyers of FG CLASSIC.

This test will always be carried out in the presence of a representative of FG CLASSIC over a reasonable distance left to the discretion of FG CLASSIC.

This contract is subject to the general conditions of sale of FG CLASSIC.


Notes :

Date :


Signature Owner Seller:


          The Selling Owner certifies that he has read the general conditions of sale of vehicles of FG CLASSIC 




Signature FG CLASSIC :